目的 :探讨肝炎病毒对肾移植术后CMV感染的影响。方法 :对 384例肾移植患者术后CMV -IgM进行检测 ,比较肝炎病毒感染组与非病毒感染组术后CMV感染率。结果 :肝炎病毒感染组术后CMV感染率 (30 .5 % )明显高于无病毒感染组(11.3% ) (P <0 .0 5 ) ,若患者术前已有CMV感染 ,肝炎病毒感染组术后CMV感染率更高 (4 7.4 % )。结论 :肝炎病毒感染能够增加肾移植术后CMV感染率 ,对术前已有CMV感染的肝炎病毒感染者更应注意术后CMV的监测 ,以便及时发现病毒活动 ,避免病情进展。
Objective: To explore the influence of hepatitis virus on CMV infection after renal transplantation.Methods:CMV-IgM was tested in those renal allograft patients. The rate of CMV infection was compared between positive group (positive hepatitis virus marker) and negative group (negative hepatitis virus marker). Results: The rate of CMV infection after renal transplantation in positive group (30.5%)was significantly higher than that in negative group (11.3%)(P<0.05). The infection rate was highest (47.4%)in patients who had CMV infection before.Conclusion:Hepatitis virus could increase CMV infection after renal transplantation. For patients coinfected with CMV and hepatitis virus, CMV monitoring was needed to find the virus replication earlier and avoid progression of the disease.
Chinese Journal of Clinical Medicine