
BIB与ITI种植系统周边骨质吸收对比的研究 被引量:6

A comparative study of the Marginal bone loss of BIB and ITI implants System with radiographic analysis
摘要 目的 :放射线片评估BLB种植系统 (HA涂层非螺纹柱状种植体 )和ITI种植系统 (TPS涂层螺纹柱状种植体 )负载初期及负载后48个月种植体边缘骨吸收的差别。方法 :87例患者116颗种植体按负载时间分五组进行X片牙槽骨边缘高度测定。结果 :BLB种植系统骨吸收呈缓慢上升趋势 ,而ITI系统相对平稳 ,负载初ITI种植体周骨吸收高于BLB种植体 ,负载后36~48个月BLB种植体高于ITI种植体 ,两组均有统计学差异。结论 :BLB种植系统骨结合更早 ,ITI种植系统远期骨吸收更少 ,更有利于保证种植的远期效果。 Objective:This study was to radiographically evaluate marginal bone lose about BLB implant system(hydroxyapatite_coated cylinder implants)and ITI implant system(titanium plasma_sprayed thread cylinder denˉtal implants)frombeginningof loadingto48month after loading.Methods:87patients(116implants)were dividˉed into5groups according to the time of loading,marginal bone loss was calculated by comparing marginal bone.Result:To both implant system,there were a slowly rose trend to bone absorb,but ITI implant systemwas milder than that of BLB implant system.The amount of bone loss of ITI implant system was more than BLB imˉplant system in the early time,but there was a reverse result in the36~48month after loading,Both were statistically significant.Conclusion:BLB implants is propitious to osseointegration of forepart;ITI implants will more stably after a period of functional loading.
作者 冯波 施斌
出处 《中国口腔种植学杂志》 2004年第2期78-81,共4页 Chinese Journal of Oral Implantology
关键词 BLB牙种植系统 ITT牙种植系统 边缘骨吸收 BLB implant system ITI implant system marginal bone loss
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