

Study on protective measures and methods on medical staff in the outpatient department and observing room during the prevention and treatment of SARS
摘要 目的 探讨在防治SARS工作中 ,加强院内感染控制 ,保护医务人员免受SARS侵害的方法和措施。方法 回顾并总结 1年多来在防治SARS的四个阶段工作中 ,为了消除院内交叉感染、保护医务人员身体健康所采取的各种应对措施和方法。结果 共接诊治发热病人 80 89人 ,其中留观 15 82人 ,疑似SARS病例 4人 ,医学观察病例 6人 ,占银川市发热病人总数的 6 8.84 %。参加防治工作的医务人员 32 2人 ,在承担工作期间及工作结束 2周之内身体状态良好 ,各项检查指标正常 ,有效地控制了院内交叉感染 ,保障了医务人员的身体健康。结论 要结合实际情况采取针对性措施 :健全组织机构 ,分别制定在紧急状态和常规状态下的应对预案 ;制定严格的消毒、隔离及防护制度和措施 ;组织人员培训 ,掌握防护知识 ,学会防护技能 ,遵守分级防护的原则 ;在发热门诊、留观室要严格划分三个区域 ,并加强通风换气 ;在转运发热病人时 ,要专车专用 ,定人定车 ; Objectives To study the methods of strengthened nosocomial infection control and protecting medical staff from SARS during the prevention and treatment of SARS.Methods All kinds of methods to eliminate cross infection occurred in hospital and protecting medical staff from infection during one-year work against SARS were reviewed.Results The total number of8089patients with fever were diagnosed and treated in our hospital.Among the patients,1582cases were diagnosed and treated in observing room.4cases were diagnosed as suspected SARS.There were6cases for medical observation.The total number of patients with fever in our hospital account for68.84%in Yinchuan city.There were322medical staff worked against SARS.All the medical staff showed normal state during the action against SARS and two weeks after the action.The cross infection in our hospital was controlled effectively.The aim of protecting medical staff from SARS was achieˉved.Conclusion Measures are taken intentionally according to reality.The measures includ perfecting medical organization and working out the methods which can be taken in emergency and normal condition respectively;formulating a system of strict disinfection,isolation and protection;training medical staff to follow the system of protection.Three districts are distinguished strictly in outpatient department and observing room.The ventilation in these districts is strengthened.Special vehicle and special driver transferred patients with fever.Many synthetically measures are taken in action.
出处 《宁夏医学杂志》 CAS 2004年第7期414-416,共3页 Ningxia Medical Journal
基金 宁夏自然科学基金资助项目C1 0 0 5
关键词 传染性非典型肺炎 医务人员 防护措施 Severe acute respiratory syndrome Medical staff Protection measures
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