遗传因子决定着各种病原引起的感染性疾病的最终结果。人类基因的抗性和易感性的分子机制在许多方面还不清楚 ,宿主对某一种病原的反应的影响多基因控制就变得更为复杂。动物模型在宿主与病原之间复杂遗传系统解剖成单一的因素控制方面具有巨大的潜力。在克隆和鉴定宿主抗性基因方面 ,小鼠能成为一个无价的实验工具。通过三个途径能够建立人类感染性疾病的小鼠模型。 (1 )目标基因小鼠突变体的培育 ;(2 )在突变小鼠中 ,宿主抗性基因位置克隆 ;(3 )绘制和描述控制宿主与病原之间复杂性的数量特性位点图。文章通过上述三种方法的介绍进一步阐述人的感染性疾病 ,特别对细菌感染性疾病的抗性或易感性的机制研究。
Genetic factors strongly determine the outcome of infectious diseases caused by various pathogens. Animal models have a tremendous potential to dissect the complex genetic system of host-pathogen interaction into single components, and develop into an invaluable tool in the identification and cloning of host resistance genes. Three main approaches have been taken to establish mouse models for human infectious diseases:1) Production of mouse mutants by gene targeting;2) Positional cloning of host-resistance genes in mutant mice;3) Mapping and characterization of quantitative trait loci (QTL) controlling the complex aspects of host-pathogen interactions. The contribution of all three methods to the understanding of infectious diseases in humans was reviewed.
Progress In Veterinary Medicine
国家高新技术研究"86 3"计划资助 (2 0 0 3AA2 4 1110 )