Talking of pre-Qin Confucianist Poetry,its ethical content used to be emphesized.In fact,from Confucia and Mengzi even to Dong Zhongshu in the Han Dynaity,scholars' interpretation of poetry was full of thoughts of explanation,which was based on the social phenomenon of misinterpreting poetry out of context.in the Sprirs and Autumn Period.At that time,chenters expressed their emotions by chanting poems,while listentrs perceived the emotions by listening to poems.Here 'emotions' were,of course,not the composersi but the chanters'. During the course ,Chanters and listeners co-operated with and under stood eath other with the poems as the media.This was realized by internalizing and communicating with the help of the similar subject.just as Confucia's idea-Poetry can in truduce common emotions and desives by analogy.During the Warring States Period,the context for chanting poetry disappeared,About the defect of poetry misinterpretantion,Mengzi put forward the approach--expressing emotion by meaning.However.misunderstanding in interpreting poetry was unavidable.Thus some scholars raised another way--Poetry interpretation may not by perfect.
Journal of Qinghai Junior Teachers' College