散曲是金元时期兴起于黄河流域乃至整个北方地区的新型乐歌 ,其所依托的音乐体系是以先后入主中原的女真、蒙古等少数民族音乐为主干 ,并吸收、熔铸唐宋燕乐及其他汉民族民间乐曲交汇而成的北曲。北曲的通俗性和民间性 ,决定了与之配合的曲辞的俚俗性和大众化。金元易代之际 ,大批沦入社会底层的市井文人基于感情宣泄的需要 ,染指于此 ,遂使元初散曲呈现出以俗为尚的审美追求 ,并由此施积极影响于元杂剧剧曲代言体抒情体制的确立及其“本色”风格的形成。
The non-dramatic songs is a kind of new songs which sprang up in the Yellow River area and in the whole northern area. It relies on Beiqu which regarded the music of the minority such as Nuchen, Mongol as the main body and absorbs the Yuan music during Tang, Song Dynasty. The Beiqu's popularization and folk trait determine the vulgarization and popularization of the words matching with it. In the transition from Jin Dynasty to Yuan, a lot of town literatures, sinking into the lower strata of society, were engaged in writing non-dramatic songs, which made these songs in the initial stage of Yuan Dynasty present the aesthetic pursuit which prevails in vulgarity and influenced on the establishment of lyric structure of Yuan drama's mouthpiece and the forming of its natural style.
Journal of Henan University(Social Sciences)
the non-dramatic songs in the early Yuan Dynasty
the aesthetic pursuit which prevails in vulgarity