采用高真空电子束蒸发的方法将镍 (Ni)淀积在 4H SiC(0 0 0 1)面上 ,制备出良好的Ni/4H SiC肖特基接触 .研究了Ni/4H SiC肖特基势垒在强磁场和低温下的I -V特性 ,并以热电子发射理论为基础 ,结合弛豫近似玻尔兹曼方程对Ni/4H SiC肖特基势垒在磁场下的输运性质进行了分析和计算 ,发现电流的变化与磁场的平方和电压成线性关系 ,和温度成反比关系 。
Ni/4H SiC Schottky contacts with good characteristics were fabricated using electron beam evaporation to deposit Ni on 4H SiC ((0001) Si face). Current voltage (I-V) characteristics of Ni/4H SiC Schottky barrier have been studied in the temperature range from 160 K to 300 K in magnetic fields ( B ) up to 10 T. The thermionic emission theory and relaxation time approximation Boltzmann eqation were employed to calculate the I-V characteristics, and it is found that the change of current shows a linear relation with B 2 and V , and is inversely proportional to the temperature, which well agrees with experimental results.
ProjectsupportedbytheNationalNaturalScienceFoundationofChina (5 0 13 2 0 40 )