The morphological characteristics of the newly released super hybrid rice in South China, Yueza122, Fengyou428, Peiza67, and super conventional varieties, Guangchao 3, Shengtai 1 at the active tillering stage in both early and latecrops were investigated. Using the analysis of variance and other statistic methods, the ideal morphological characteristicsof South China double cropping super-rice at the active tillering stage were determined. The ideal plant height is 55-60 cmfor the early crop and 60-76 cm for the late crop. The ideal tiller number per plant is about 15 tillers for the early crop and 14-19 tillers for the late crop. The ideal length of the first leaf under the top leaf is 40-44 cm for the early crop and 42-60 cm forthe late crop. The ideal width of the first leaf under the top leaf is 1.2-1.4 cm for the early crop and 1.2-1.3 cm for the latecrop. The ideal length of the second leaf under the top leaf is 39-44 cm for the early crop and 37-43 cm for the late crop. Theideal width of the second leaf under the top leaf is 1.1-1.4 cm for the early crop and about 1.1 cm for the late crop. The idealtop leaf angle at the active tillering stage is 22-58 for the early crop and 4-12 for the late crop. Based on these results, anew concept of dynamic plant type structure for South China double cropping super rice breeding was suggested.
Scientia Agricultura Sinica