Oil origin is a fundamental problem of natural science.Development of“organic”concept confirmed in practice,named as sedimentary-migrational theory follows the way of more detailed study of oil composition and that of rocks organic matter since just molec-ular composition of oil appears to be“a key”for its genesis knowledge.The presence of biomarkers in oils-com pounds with chemical structure being inherited from live sub stance,as well as their presence in hydrocarbon extracts of an cient Archean rocks and ores of the ocean's streading zones evidences that hydrocarbon genera tion processes took place from the moment of life origin.Limited quantity of hy-drocarbon iso mers in oil is a result of their selective accumulation in live organisms,optical activity of oils reflecting o chiral purity of bi -ological systems-all these properties of oil confirm its genetic association with biogene substance.
Xinjiang Petroleum Geology