本文对莫高窟北朝时期的 5幅白衣佛说法图 ,从图像和窟内位置的意义等方面作了考证。笔者认为白衣佛图就是《观佛三昧海经》卷 4《观四威仪品》等佛教典籍中所述的“那乾诃罗的佛影”。还论述了白衣佛与北朝时期盛行的“观佛”
There are five of white-clothing Buddha Preaching Scene found inside caves at Mogao Grottoes of Dunhuang which were dating from the Northern Dynasty. This article is trying to study the graphic and location significance of scene of the white-clothing Buddha in detail respectively. This article draws out a conclusion that the whiter-clothing Buddha was the shade of Buddha mentioned in the 4th fasciculi of Buddhadhyāna-samādhi-sāgara-sūtra. This article has also discussed relationship between the white-clothing Buddha and the popular trend of meditation before the image of Buddha during the Northern Dynasty.
Dunhuang Research