国民党的话剧政策是由悖谬的两端构成的 :一方面把话剧当做宣传工具 ,企图通过剧团监管、戏剧审查等措施 ,将其全部纳入党化或政治化的轨道 ;另一方面又将话剧视为纯粹的商业活动 ,课以重税。抗战后期 ,国家权力扩张 ,逐步侵蚀公共空间 ,话剧的生存天地愈形狭窄 ,生存条件不断恶化。事实证明 ,国民党非但没有建立起行之有效的艺术管理机制与合理的市场秩序 ,反而严重阻碍了话剧在战前即已开始了的市民化、正规化、现代化进程 :一方面使剧目向对立的两极发展 ,或者党国化 ,或者低俗化 ,文化品性严重扭曲 ;另一方面造成剧团经济困顿 ,经营失范 ,剧人生活窘迫 ,精神退化 ,演出水准降低。 1 94 3年以后 ,国民党话剧政策两歧性的恶果 。
The Guomindang's idea of and policy for modern drama consisted of two contradictory ends.On the one hand,they used it as means of propaganda,and tried to bring it into the party and politicize it through measures such as supervising theatrical companies and censoring scripts.On the other hand,they regarded it as a pure business activity,and imposed heavy taxes.In the late period of the War of Resistance against Japan,as the Guomindang government's political power expanded infinitely,the public sphere was gradually eaten away,the space for modern drama became narrower and narrower,and the conditions went from bad to worse.In fact,the Guomindang built neither an effective system of administration for drama,nor rational order in the theater market.On the contrary,the Guomindang seriously hindered the process of modernization,regularization,and popularization of modern drama that had begun before the War.On the one hand,modern drama developed toward tow contradictory extremes,either toward politicization or toward vulgarity,which seriously lowered its cultural level.On the other hand,theatrical companies fell into economic difficulties,management was in disorder,actors led miserable and demoralized lives,and the level of performance declined.After 1943,the deplorable results of the Guomimdang's bifurcated modern drama policy stood ever more exposed.
Modern Chinese History Studies