网络时代版权管理信息很容易被他人篡改或消除 ,从而给权利人造成损失 ,故对其进行强有力的法律保护至关重要 ;世界知识产权组织制定了两个新条约 ,美国也通过了《数字化时代版权法》 ;在司法领域 ,已经产生了一些有关版权管理信息的判例 ;研究版权管理信息的国际法律保护 ,可使我们获得有益启迪 ,从而借鉴他人经验 ,完善自身立法。
Copyright informations at the age of net can be easily falsified or deleted,which would cause damages to right owner,hence it's indispensable to give them mighty protection.The World Intellectual Property Organization has formulated two new convetions and the U.S.has enacted Digital Millennium Copright Act.In jurisdiction,there emerged some cases related to copyright information.The research of the international legal protection of copyright information would give us helpful enlightenment,and make it possible for China to perfect its legislations by reference to others'experience.
Journal of Gansu Political Science and Law Institute