孟德斯鸠在《论法的精神》一书中写下了大量讨论中国政治、法律问题的文字 ,随着该书的广为传播 ,对当时的法国以及欧洲思想界发生了重大影响。他对中国的专制政体下的大逆罪和“子罪父坐”进行了批评 ,对中国统治者区分刑罚轻重、法律与道德融合、执行勤俭国策的做法表示赞赏。他提出的不少问题 ,至今仍不失其意义和价值。
Montesquieu expounded a lot on Chinese politics and law in his book Del' Esprit des lois, which had great influence on French and European ideological circles at that time as the book was spread wide. He criticized some charges such as regicide under Chinese autocracy, while appreciated Chinese rulers' practice of differentiating between light and heavy criminal punishment, syncretizing law and morality, and ruling the nation economically. The issues he raised are still of great significance and value at present.
Journal of Beijing administration institute