我国加入WTO ,对工会干部教育培训工作的影响 ,有个渐进的、从量变到质变的发展过程。所产生的影响既有其作为教育培训工作的共性 ,也有其作为工会自身改革与建设重要内容的个性 ;既有发展的机遇 ,也有面临的挑战。本文从加速人才培养步伐 ,为做好“入世”后的工会工作提供有力的人才支持和组织保障的角度提出了应对措施 ,对新形势下如何加强和改进工会干部教育培训工作进行了初步研究和探索。
China's WTO accession has an influence to educational training of union cadres. It has a development process with its general character and its individual character as main contents of union reform and construction. Chinese trade unions will have development opportunities and challenges. This article puts forward countermeasures for speeding to train talented persons in order to do a good job after China's WTO entry. The author also studies to strengthen educational training of union cadres.
Theory & Practice of Trade Unions