
牛快速肥育配套新技术研究 被引量:2

Studies on a Complete Set of New Techniques for Fast Fattening Beef Cattle
摘要 利用糖业副产品蔗髓、糖蜜、滤泥等,适当搭配精料及尿素和微量元素,配制成颗粒料,并配合埋植增肉剂,对15月龄闽南黄牛进行肥育100d,采用自由散养,自由采食颗粒料的饲养方式,结果试验牛平均日增重为896g,其最高个体日增重为1090g;屠宰率为57.4%,净肉率为47.2%;饲料报酬为每增重1kg消耗颗粒料6.2kg,DM5.2kg,CP782.4g,NEg6.70 MJ;同时,较农户传统肥育法节约精料和提高劳动生产率,取得明显经济效益。 Sugar refinery's by-products(sugarcane bagasse,molasscs and filter mud)and urea with a proper amount of concentrated feed and trace elements were used in the experiment.They were mixed and prepared in the form of granulated feed,and fed to 15-month-old Minnan Cattle for 100 days during their fattening period.In thc meantime,“Ragro”,a weight-gain promoting agent,was implanted in the back of the cattle's ears as a supplementary treatment.All cattlc were confined to free-stall barns where they could get free-chalice granulated feed.The results showed that the avcrage daily gain in weight was 896 g and the maximum daily gain in weight reached 1090 g in one case;the dressing percentage and the meat percentage were 57.4% and 47.2%, respectively.Regarding feed conversion,it was found that a gain of l kg in weight required 6.2 kg Of granulated feed containing 5.2 kg DM,782 g crude protein and 6.7 MJ net energy.This meant the concentrated feed was saved,the labor productivity was increased,and the economic gain was significant.
出处 《福建农学院学报》 CSCD 1993年第4期445-448,共4页
关键词 肥育 闽南 黄牛 fast fattening new techniques Minnan yellow cattle
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