
实现自由与秩序的良性平衡——对流浪乞讨问题的宪法学分析 被引量:27

Striking a Proper Balance between Freedom and Order
摘要 收容遣送制度的废止和救助管理办法的建立并没有完全解决许多城市所面临的流浪乞讨问题,因而当今中国各大城市仍然需要在宪法和法律规定的范围内处理这一问题。本文从美国对相关问题的宪政经验出发,探讨地方立法所必须遵循的宪法学原则。和美国类似,中国宪法虽然没有提到乞讨或露宿的权利,但也规定了和这类问题相关的公民基本权利。结合中国和美国的相关宪政经验,本文认为政府并不是绝对不可对乞讨和露宿行为进行限制,而是必须保证这些限制符合宪法的基本要求。第一,它们所针对的是行为,而不是流浪者或乞丐身份。第二,政府只有在具备合法的公共利益的情况下才能限制这些行为。第三,有关规定不得为执法人员提供不受控制的自由裁量权。最后,要实现自由与秩序的平衡,必须建立独立的宪法解释机构,通过司法过程界定公民权利与地方权力的边界。 Neither the rescission of the compulsory detainment and relocation system nor the establishment of the voluntary assistance institution fully resolve the problems of beggars and vagabonds that confront major Chinese cities today. Drawing lessons from the American experience in dealing with the homeless problems, this article explores the constitutional principles with which the relevant local legislations must comply in China. Although the Chinese Constitution doesnot specifically mention the rights of beggars and vagabonds, it does provide several relevant basic rights for citizens in general. This article suggests that the government is not altogether prohibited from restricting begging and camping in public places, but it must ensure its restrictions comply with the following basic constitutional requirements. First, they can aim only at conducts and not at status of being a beggar or vagabond. Second, the government can restrict certain conducts only for the purpose of achieving legitimate public interest. Third, relevant legislations may not be so vague as to provide the executive officials with unlimited discretion. Finally, it is necessary to establish a judicial organ to demarcate, through judicial process, the boundary between individual liberty and public interest in providing for local order.
作者 张千帆
机构地区 北京大学法学院
出处 《中国法学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2004年第4期55-65,共11页 China Legal Science
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