通过建筑业中一些数字说明可持续发展的重要性 ,同时以工程实例说明如何在工程施工过程中采取具体的措施来贯彻实施可持续发展战略。尤其强调可持续发展要根据国情量力而行 ,要从实际出发 ,造价工程师在工程中起到咨询和监督的作用 。
The importance of the sustainable development in the construction sector is shown through some statistical data. It is explained that how to take concrete measures to carry out sustainable development strategy by a field case. It is especially emphasized that sustainable development should be acted according to the national conditions and proceeded from the actual situation. The cost engineers play a consulting and control role in the engineering, which makes engineering construction both sustainable development and as economic as possible.
West-China Exploration Engineering