应用放射免疫法检测50例缺血性中风患者脑脊液(CSF)中β-内啡肽(B-EP)的含量。结果表明,患者 CSF 中β-EP 明显高于对照组,且重症组的β-EP 值高于轻症组(P<0.01),发病≤4天患者的β-EP 值高于发病>4天者(P<0.05).
The contents of CSF beta—endorphin in 50 patients with ischemic stroke were measured by using radioimmunoassay.The levels of beta—endorphin of stroke patients had significantly increased as com- pared with the controls(P<0.01).The beta—endorphin levels at acute stage(within 4 days after the onset of stroke)were higher(P<0.05)than those at chronic stage(more than 4 days after stroke). The patients with severe stroke had significantly higher beta—endorphin levels(P<0.01)than those with mild stroke.These results indicate that the disturbance of beta—endorphin metabolism at acute stage is related to ischemic neurologic deficits