知识产权与反垄断法之间存在错综复杂的关系。在知识经济条件下 ,技术创新要求加强知识产权保护力度 ,经济全球化又要求打破各种制约因素 ,包括知识产权给商品、技术自由流动带来的限制。由此形成了知识产权与反垄断法之间扩张与反扩张 ,制约与反制约的关系。在此条件下 ,反垄断法对于知识产权的影响将不限于对权利行使的控制 。
There exists a complex relation beween intellectual property and antitrust law.Under the knowledge-vbased economic conditions,technological innovation requires strengthening the pritection of intellectual property while economic globalization requires breaking the diversifide restrictive factors,whic include the restrict iom free echange of goods and technology briugt by intellectual property.So there appeew expansion and anti-expansion,restrict ion and anti-restrict ion.between intellectual property and antitrust law.Uner this condition,the influence brought by antitrust law on intellectual property can not limitde to the control of right exertion,but rather be invelved in every field of institution.
Commercial Research