介绍了在微机版塔台模拟机系统中 ,如何有效地控制其实时三维视景部分的帧率 ,以达到一个稳定性更高交互性更强的视景仿真环境。采用多台微机协作模拟机场塔台的窗外场景 ,创造性地提出了视景服务器和从视景位的概念 ,由从视景位实现单个通道的渲染 ,而由视景服务器完成各从视景位之间的同步和帧率控制。视景服务器开辟一个缓冲区预存一定数目的帧包来减少网络的延迟 ,同时根据缓冲区中帧包的平均数目动态调整系统与视景服务器之间的时钟计时精度误差 ,来缓解由于网络原因造成的帧率失调。视景服务器通过一定的算法维持固定的帧发送率 。
This paper introduced how to control the frame-rate in a real-time 3D system based on PC, thus to create a better working enviorenment for airport tower controller. In this PC-based scenario, the concepts of VisualgenServer and VisualgenClient were creatively put forward. The former was used to simulate the functions such as synchronization of channels, keyboard event ,mouse event and frame-rate controlling; the latter was used to realize the render of scene. VisualgenServer allocated a buffer to store some frames beforehand thus to reduce the delay because of the network, at the same time it calculated the average number of frames in the buffer to coordinate the clock precision between the system and the VisualgenServer. The VisualgenServer sent the frame to every VisualgenClient at the regular rate determined by some given algorithm, accordingly the VisualgenClients can keep synchronous when rendering the scene in the frame received from the VisualgenServer.
journal of Computer Applications