

Thousand-Year-Long Puzzle of Xiao Yao You——A Book Report on Chen Yinque's Research on Xiao Yao You
摘要 对于庄子《逍遥游》旨意传统有两种经典解释:即郭象的大鹏与小鸟都逍遥和支道林的大鹏与小鸟都不逍遥这两种结论。陈寅恪先生在30年代考证这两种结论产生的学术背景,陈先生认为:郭象观点的产生源于当时的社会思潮,即源于魏晋清谈的一种发展,具体而言就是风行一时之“才性论”。而通过对《高僧传》等经典的钩稽,陈先生指出,支道林观点显然是源于佛家经典。由陈先生之考证,一方面说明中国佛、道之发展相融相汇;另一方面也说明郭、支两种观点却都是囿于社会思潮之影响,没有昭示出庄子文本的真意。本文从庄子文本出发,结合庄子理论,对《逍遥游》进行了重点疏释,认为庄子的真意是强调道与物之对立的“小大之辨”,即大鹏逍遥,小鸟不逍遥。由此理清了这桩千古公案。 There are two classical academic decipherments of Xiao Yao You by Zhuang Tuz: Guo Xiang's eagle and the small bird are both xiao yao (carefree) or vice versa. Chen Yingque looked into the academic background in which those two decipherments came into being and pointed out that Guo Xiang's decipherment originated from the social trend of the academic thinking in the Wei and Jin dynasties, i. e. the dominate school of talent and humanity of that time. Through the research on Biography of the Monk, Chen thought that Zhi Daolin's viewpoint came from the Buddhist clas- sics. Chen's research displays that, on one hand, China's Buddhism and Taoism developed side by side harmoniously; on the other hand, Guo Xiang and Zhi Daolin were both contained by the social trend of the academic thinking of their own times, Their decipherment do not display the real nature of Zhuang Tuz. Based upon Zhuang Tuz's text and his the- oretical basis, this thesis focuses on the real nature of Xiao Yao You by Zhuang Tuz, taking the viewpoint that Zhuang Tuz's real intention is to the contrast between theory and practice, just as in the debate of big and small, that is, the ea- gle is xiaoyao (carefree), while the small bird is not so. Thus, it ends the puzzle so far.
作者 刘坤生
出处 《广东技术师范学院学报》 2004年第5期33-37,共5页 Journal of Guangdong Polytechnic Normal University
关键词 庄子 逍遥 陈寅恪 小大之辨 Zhuang Tuz xiao yao (carefree) Chen Yinque the debate of big and small
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  • 1[陈寅恪著],陈美延.金明馆丛稿二编[M]三联书店,2001.








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