A class of uncertain interconnected time-delay systems is considered in the paper, where the uncertainties are assumed to satisfy the boundedness condition of the norm. For such a class of systems, a linear filter is designed for each subsystem by using the outputs of subsystems as inputs. With the new augmented vector composed of both the state vector and the filtering error vector, a new augmented system is derived containing the system state equations and filtering error equations. If the filter parameters can be designed to minimize the gain from disturbance noise to augmented system output, the influence of noise on the state estimate is the lowest, and the real state can be resumed at the same time. Under such conditions, the problem of filtering for the original system is equivalent to minimizing H-infinity gain of the augmented system. By selecting a proper Lya-punov function, the sufficient conditions for existence of the filter are derived on the basis of the Lyapunov stability theorem. In order to simplify the process of designing filter parameters, a new matrix transformation is introduced for the uncertain parameter matrices in sufficient conditions, and via a series of equivalent transformations, the above sufficient conditions are transformed to a system of easily solvable LMIs. Based on the LMI toolbox of Matlab software, these LMIs are directly solved. Finally, the numerical simulation proves the validity of the main results.
Control Theory & Applications