Gives a new technique to measure the dynamic deformation behavior and strain development of a hollow steel projectile during its penetration of concrete targets. Direct strain measurement was performed by applying strain gages attached to the inner walls of the hollow projectile, linked with on-board testing and storage recorder. This on-board test-record system is easy to operate, cost-effective and can provide reasonable, accurate and detailed information. Obverse ballistic experiments were carried out on ogival-nose hollow projectiles normally impacting concrete targets at velocities from 150 m/s to 300 m/s. The deformation process of projectiles was measured, recorded and played back. Profiles of voltage-time relationship were successively obtained and transfered to strain-time relationship with the aid of calibration tables. It was found that projectiles go through a series of compression and tension deformations intermittently. Relationships between strain development and projectile deformation process were discussed.
Gives a new technique to measure the dynamic deformation behavior and strain development of a hollow steel projectile during its penetration of concrete targets. Direct strain measurement was performed by applying strain gages attached to the inner walls of the hollow projectile, linked with on-board testing and storage recorder. This on-board test-record system is easy to operate, cost-effective and can provide reasonable, accurate and detailed information. Obverse ballistic experiments were carried out on ogival-nose hollow projectiles normally impacting concrete targets at velocities from 150 m/s to 300 m/s. The deformation process of projectiles was measured, recorded and played back. Profiles of voltage-time relationship were successively obtained and transfered to strain-time relationship with the aid of calibration tables. It was found that projectiles go through a series of compression and tension deformations intermittently. Relationships between strain development and projectile deformation process were discussed.
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