莱钢轧钢厂蓄热式步进加热炉换向控制系统由STEP 7软件包、PLC和上位机等构成 ,通过编程控制空气 /烟气换向阀以一定周期切换 ,使加热炉的两个蓄热体处于蓄热与放热状态交替工作 ,保证了排烟温度低于 15 0℃ ,可节能 14 .3 %。
The reversing control system of regenerative walking-beam furnace at the rolling mill of Laigang is composed of STEP 7 software package, PLC and host computer. The air and flue gas reversing valve can changing over in certain cycle by programming, then makes the two regenerators stand in storing heat condition and releasing heat condition by turns. The reversing control system has guarantee the fume exhaust temperature under 150℃, and it can save generation by 14.3%.
Shandong Metallurgy