ERP作为信息时代企业实现现代化、管理科学化的一个强有力的工具 ,在企业的现代化管理中起了重要作用。冶金企业加速信息化建设实施ERP ,进行企业业务管理流程再造 ,减少管理层次 ,控制管理幅度 ,形成权责明确、信息通畅、监控有力、运转高效的扁平化组织管理模式 ,有利于构建以客户为中心的快速反应、高效运作机制 。
As a powerful tool to realize modernization and scientific management in the information age, ERP plays an important role in the modern management process. When metallurgical enterprises speed up information to realize ERP, restructure the management operation flow, reduce administrative levels and control management extent, a flattening organization and management mode with definite power and duty, smooth information transportation, powerful supervisory control and quickly running would be reformed, then it is propitious to structure high speed and efficient system that centers clients and impels the enterprise quick development.
Shandong Metallurgy