瞬变是用电环境中普遍存在的使用户用电成本增加、破坏设备安全运行的问题 ,Unisaver节电装置采用高科技瞬变抑制控制技术 ,通过缓冲、降温、洁净三大综合作用 ,可达到抑制瞬变、节电和安全保护的功能。在济钢原料厂取料机系统电路中的应用表明 ,平均节电率达 12 .98% ,对用电设备的过电压保护有一定效果 ,减少了电机设备的故障次数 ,提高了设备使用寿命 。
The transient in power supply environment can increase cost of customer and destroy safe operation of device. Unisaver saving electricity device is adopting high scientific and technical control technique to restrain transient and it can come up to the aim of controlling transient and protecting device. The application result in electric circuit system of digging machine of raw material plant in Jigang has proved that the average electric power saving rate is up to 12.98%, the defect times of motor and device is decreased, the service life of equipment is increased and the cost of production and manufacture is saved.
Shandong Metallurgy