目的 :总结分析腰椎间盘突出症治疗前后的X线改变。方法 :对诊断明确的 32例腰椎间盘突出症患者 ,18例行保守治疗 ,14例行髓核摘除术并随访 10~ 2 5年 ,对其X线片进行回顾性分析。结果 :保守治疗者腰椎间隙变窄速度慢 ,程度轻 ,少数患者相邻椎小关节发生退行性骨关节病。髓核摘除术者椎间隙变窄速度快 ,程度重 ,发生相邻椎小关节退行性骨关节病者较前者多见。结论 :腰椎间盘突出症治疗方法视病情而定 ,保守治疗仍是一种比较理想的治疗方法。
Objective:To summarize and analysis the X-ray changes before and after therapy to lumbar intervertebral disk extrude.Methods:32 cases with lumbar intercertebral disk extrude symptom which were diagnosed clearly,conservative therapy were performed in 18 cases,extirpated medulla nucleus were performed in 14 cases,observed subsequently 10~25 yeas,retrospective analysis their X-ray films.Results:The cases with conservative therapy show that the pace of intervetebral gap turn narrow is slow,the degree is gentle, but some adjacent small joints occurred recessive arthrosis in a few cases.The cases with exticating medulla nucleus show that the pace of intercerebral gap turn narrow is quick, the degree is serious,but few cases has recessive arthrosis in adjacent small joints.Conclusion:To set down the way of therapy to lumbar intervertebral disk extrude should be depended on the state of illness. The conservative therapy is still an ideal way of therapy.
Journal of Medical Imaging