目的 探讨宝安区中小学学生视力的发展趋势。方法 对深圳市宝安区 1993~ 2 0 0 0年 8a间中小学学生视力状况趋势进行分析。结果 深圳市宝安区中小学学生 1993~ 2 0 0 0年 8a间视力低下率平均为 3 6 3 8% ,呈波动性下降 ;各年度学生视力低下率均随学习阶段的升高而上升 ,尤以高三年级组学生视力低下率为最高 ,平均达 77 72 % ;视力低下率女生显著高于男生 ( χ2 =170 1 44 ,P <0 .0 1) ;不同学习阶段视力低下程度差异有显著性 ( χ2 =13 999 5 1,P <0 .0 1)。
Objective] To explore the progressing tendency of the weak eyesight among primary and middle schools students. [Methods] Analysis was made on the eyesight situation of primary and middle schools students in Baoan District of Shenzhen 1993~2000. [Results] The average rate of weak eyesight among students was 36.38% with a wavy descending tendency. The rate of weak eyesight ascended as study phase increased. The highest rate was 77.72% that appeared among students of Grade 3 of senior high school; the rate of weak eyesight among female students was significantly higher than that among male students (χ 2=1 701.44, P<0.01). Significant difference was found between different study phases on the rate of weak eyesight (χ 2=13 999.51, P<0.01). [Conclusion] The progressing tendency of weak eyesight among primary and middle schools students in Baoan District is a problem requiring solution.
Occupation and Health
Primary and middle schools students, Weak eyesight, Dynamic analysis