China is one of the countries subject to the severe natural disasters inthe world. Implementation of agricultural ensurance is one of the important means tolessen the losses caused by natural disasters. Since the objective of agricultural en-surance is mainly the crop planting and animal raising with great risks and high lossrate. The limited payment ability by the farmers constrains the development of agricul-tural ensurance. At present,there are two kinds of ensurance modles in the world,i. e.the commercial ensurance; and the policy ensurance. The former only selects farm cropswith high values to be ensured by the commercial principle with proper risks;whilst thelatter is to carry out Agricultural ensurance with a large sum of funds provided by thegovernment.The Chinese economy is now just in the bi-economy and in the process ofeconomic evolution so that it is impossible for the government to provide a large sum offunds. It is only necessary to select the developing road of agricultural ensurance instages in accordance with economic macro-environment and industrial progress. In theimmediate future,the commercial ensurance should be in the main and the policy en-surance will be the supplementary;whilst in the long-term future,the policy ensuranceshould be in the main,and the commercial ensurance will be the supplementary. In theintermediate future, the agricultural ensurance cooperatives should be the transitionaloperation developing road.
Agricultural Research in the Arid Areas
agricultural ensurance
developing road