目的 描述淋巴管肌瘤病的CT表现。方法 回顾分析 2例经病理证实的淋巴管肌瘤病的胸腹CT表现。结果 2例胸部高分辨率CT表现为两肺均匀或不均匀分布的薄壁囊状影 ,1例伴乳糜胸。腹部CT于 2例检出腹膜后淋巴结肿大。 1例伴有肾脏及腹膜后血管平滑肌脂肪瘤 ,另 1例伴腹膜后淋巴管肌瘤。结论 淋巴管肌瘤病的胸腹部CT表现有一定特征性。熟悉其胸腹部CT表现有助于该病的诊断 ,但最终确诊须依靠组织病理学检出。
Objective To describe CT manifestations of lymphangioleiomyomatosis (LAM). Methods The pulmonary and abdominal CT findings in 2 patients with histopathologically proved lymphangioleiomyomatosis were retrospectively analyzed.Results HRCT demonstrated round pulmonary cysts with barely detected thin walls.These cysts were diffusely or undiffusely distributed throughout the lung parenchyma.One case was complicated with chylothorax.The abdominal CT revealed enlarged lymph nodes in both cases and renal and retroperitoneal angiomyolipoma in one case and lymphangiomyoma in the other case.Conclusion Pulmonary and abdominal CT findings of lymphangioleiomyomatosis are of some characters.It will be helpful for its diagnosis when getting familiar with its CT manifestations,but the final diagnosis is dependent on histopathologic examination.
Chinese Journal of Radiology