1953年19岁的胡天泉,从一个农民,一个在当地名声远扬的吹笙手,变成了原公安军文工团的一名演奏员。从此,他告别了家乡,开始了他从农民到将军的军旅艺术生涯。 胡天泉的艺术人生之路以及他所取得的高度艺术成就,对于今天从事民族音乐工作的人们是一个激励,更是一种启示。他的艺术实践活动可归纳为三个方面:笙的演奏、乐器的改革和作品的创作。 其一,在不断涌现的新作品中创作了30余种独具特色的吹奏技巧。其二,自20世纪50年代起,对笙的传统结构进行了一系列的改革和创新。其三,先后创作、整理出大量的笙独奏、协奏曲目。 今天的胡天泉是中国民族管弦乐协会常务理事、笙专业委员会会长、山东音乐家协会理事、前卫歌舞团艺术指导,他的中国音乐界无愧于"民族管乐大师"的声誉,而他说大师是别人命名的,自己只是一名普通的演奏员。几十年来保持着纯朴本色的胡天泉,舞台上是位不折不扣的将军,生活中是位视笙如生命的慈祥和蔼的老人,笙已经成为他生活的全部。
In 1953, the 19-year-old peasant Hu Tianquan, a locally famed Sheng ( folk reed-pipe instrument) player, became a performer in the Public Security Force's Art Troupe, From then on, he left his home village, and started his artistic career in the army with the transformation from a peasant to a general.The high achievements of Hu Tianquan on his artistic career not only encourage, but also inspire today's professionals in the field of Chinese music. His artistic experiences culminate in these three aspects: Sheng performing, reforms of the instrument, and creation of new works.First, he created over 30 kinds of unique Sheng performing techniques. Second, since 1950's, he has made a series of reforms and renovation on the instrument's traditional structure. Third, he composed and rearranged a large number of Sheng solos and concertos.At present, Hu Tianquan is member of the Executive Board of China Association for National Orchestral Music, Chairman of the Sheng Professional Committee, Council member of Shangdong Musicians' Association and Artistic Director of Qianwei Song and Dance Ensemble. He deserves the reputation of ' maestro of Chinese wind music', but he remarks that the title of 'maestro' is granted by the public, while he himself is still an ordinary musician. Hu Tianquan, having kept his honesty and spontaneity for a few dozen years, is an authentic general on the stage, and a kind-hearted old man in real life. He takes Sheng as a complete part of his life.
Peoples Music