Foreign Medical Sciences(Section of Otolray Ngology Foreign Medical)
1Choung YH, Park K, Moon SK, et al. Various causes and clinical characteristics in vertigo in children with normal eardrums. Int J Pediatr Otorhinolaryngol. 2003; 67: 889-894.
2Ravid S, Bienkowski R, Eviatar L A simplified diagnostic approach to dizziness in children. Pediatr Neurol. 2003; 29: 317-320.
3Hertle RW, Maldanado VK, Maybodi M, et al. Clinical and ocular motor analysis of the infantile nystagmus syndrome in the first 6 months of life. Br J Ophthalmol. 2002; 86: 670-675.
4Hertle RW, Dell' Osso LF. Clinical and ocular motor analysis of congenital nystagmus in infancy. J AAPOS, 1999; 3: 70-79.
5Rosander K, von Hofsten C. Visual-vestibular interaaction in early infancy. Exp Brain Res. 2000; 133: 321-333.
6Ornitz E, Atwell C, Walter D, et al. The maturation of vestibular nystagmus in infancy and childhood. Acta Otolaryngol. 1979; 88:244-256.
7Phillips JO, Finocchio DV, Ong L, et aL Saccadic eye movements in human infants in response to pseudo-randomly stepped visual targets. Inv Ophthal Vis Sci. 1997; 38: S652.
8Phillips JO, Finocchio DV, Ong L, et al. Smooth pursuit in 1-to-4month-old human infants. Vision Res. 1997; 37: 3009-3020.
9Rivaud-Pechoux S, Durr A, Gaymard B, et al. Eye movement abnormalities correlate with genotype in autosomal dominant cedrebellar ataxia type I. Ann Neurol. 1998; 43: 297-302.
10Phillips JO, Finocchio DV, Ong L, et al. Development of time constants in human infant optokinetic and vestibular nystagmus. Inv Oph-thal Vis Sci. 2000; 41: S700.
2杨亮,胡琦,康杨,黄磊,王珂萌.近视性屈光参差患者LASIK术后双眼视功能评估[J].眼科,2012,21(3):187-190. 被引量:8
3陈炜,房传凯.视神经炎相关检查对视功能评估及检出的有效性探索[J].国际眼科杂志,2016,16(1):153-156. 被引量:1
4魏艳,张枫,杨洁,章丽丽,胡甸萍.儿童弱视对平衡功能的影响[J].江苏医药,2014,40(3):320-322. 被引量:2
6陈太生,吴新洲,任明中,王学仁,程岩.眼震电图对桥小脑角胆脂瘤致三叉神经痛的诊断价值[J].天津医药,1999,27(2):75-77. 被引量:1
7郑大文,罗燕.眶壁爆裂性骨折276例临床分析及术后功能评估[J].中国药物与临床,2008,8(8):645-647. 被引量:1
8韦云昌,黄羿,苏树华,张粤兰,罗艳.F-VEP联合Suresighte视力筛查仪对ROP患儿视觉发育评估的临床研究[J].湖南师范大学学报(医学版),2015,12(5):52-53. 被引量:2
9范恩越,张庆生,穆珊珊,王林,张艳丽.依据调节功能评估10~15岁儿童近视显然验光准确性[J].中华眼视光学与视觉科学杂志,2014,16(5):310-312. 被引量:9