目的 探讨超声引导下氩氦刀治疗肿瘤的疗效。方法 对 6例不同脏器的肿瘤在超声引导下应用氩氦刀治疗的疗效进行分析。结果 6例患者均顺利完成手术 ,1 6处病灶 1 0处完全液化 ,消失率为 62 .5 % ;6处肿瘤病灶明显缩小 ,有效率为 37.5 %。结论 氩氦刀治疗肿瘤疗效确切 ,手术创伤小。应用超声引导术前可准确定位 ,选定冷冻范围、深度和进针路线 ,确定氩氦刀的直径和数目 ,并可实时监测冷冻过程 ,观察治疗效果。
Objective To investigate the effects of Argon-Helium cryosurgical treatment for cancer under the guidance of ultrasound. Methods The curative effect of Argon-Helium cryosurgical treatment under the guidance of ultrasound for 6 patients with cancer was analyze. Results The operations were successful in 6 patients. Among 16 tumors, 10 tumors were liquefied completely, 6 tumors were dwindle in size. Conclusions Argon-Helium cryosurgical treatment is an effective way for cancer with little wound. Cryosurgical position and depth can be confirmed by ultrasound before operation, so the cryosurgical diameter and number can be confirmed too. Cryosurgical treatment and its effect can be monitored by ultrasound during operation.
Applied Journal Of General Practice