目的 探讨宫外孕保守治疗与手术治疗的方法选择。方法 选取 1 2 0例宫外孕患者初始采取药物方法保守治疗 ,对其预后及治疗过程中手术时机与方式的选择方法进行分析研究。结果 1 2 0例药物治疗过程中 ,81例药物治愈 ,39例最终为手术治愈 ,其中 ,30例行患侧输卵管切除术 ,另 9例行患侧输卵管保守性手术。结论 宫外孕患者多为生育年龄 ,有一部分患者有生育要求 ,故临床上应根据尿hCG定量值、血 β-hCG值、B超检查等综合考虑选择治疗方法。
Objective To discuss the selection of conservative and operative methods. Methods 120 cases of ectopic pregnancy were analyzed in conservative method with drug at first, its prognosis, operation and time performed. Results 81 cases of 120 were treated and healed with drug, 39 cases were performed operation and 30 cases among them were taken salpingectomy at involved side other were saved. Conclusion The patient of ectopic pregnancy were birth age and some of them had require of giving birth. The selection of treatment methods should according complex consideration to hCG in urine and in blood, ultrasound detection.
Heilongjiang Medical Journal