目的 探讨正常增生期内膜 ,子宫内膜单纯性增殖 ,复杂性 (腺瘤性 )增殖 ,非典型增殖及子宫内膜癌CD4 4v6的阳性表达。方法 按常规病理学分型 ,应用免疫组化法检测各型的CD4 4v6表达状况。结果 正常增殖期内膜检测 2 0例无表达。单纯性增殖检测 2 0例 ,15例无表达 ,5例强表达。复杂性 (腺瘤性 )增殖 33例无表达 10例 ,强表达 2 3例。非典型性增殖 15例均为强表达。子宫内膜癌 78例 ,75例阳性表达。结论 CD4 4v6在非典型性增殖症和内膜癌阳性表达一致 ,在复杂性 (腺瘤性 )增殖随细胞增生程度增加 ,CD4
Objective To study the expression of CD44v6 in endometrial simple hyperplasia, adenomatous hyperplasia, atypical hyperplasia and carcinoma.Methods Routine pathological diagnosis and classification combined with immunohistobiochemistry examinations using anti-CD44v6 antibody.Results In 20 cases of proliferative phase of 20 cases of endometrial simple hyperplasia, 15 cases did not have CD44v6 expression and 5 showed strong expression. Of 33 cases of adenomatous hyperplasia examined, 23 had strong expression and 10 had no expression of CD44v6. All 15 cases of atypical hyperplasia showed strong CD44v6 expression while 75 of 78 endometrial carcinoma patients had positive CD44v6 expression.Conclusion The overexpression of CD44v6 in endometrial atypical hyperplasia and carcinoma is comparable while the level of CD44v6 expression in adenomatous hyperplasia is proportional to the level of cell proliferation.
Journal of Qinghai Medical College