就高等职业技术教育艺术设计类的发展现状来讲,培养的内容和目标与社会各行业的需求脱节严重,专业课与 社会所需要的专业不衔接,缺少实际的项目课程。失去了高职教育的实质意义,更起不到培养社会急需的一线技术 人才的作用。因此,专业设置定位的准确与否,直接影响着其深远的社会效应。
As far as its present situation is concerned , the content & goal of training goes too far with the need of society. For years its has attached more importance on artistic technigues of expressions than professional theories .vocational skills as well as its actual practice. In addition, fundamental courses are not in agreement with professional ones, and the later deviates too much from what society needs because of its lack of practical courses . Therefore, vocation education is anything but a supplement of university education, which goes against the nature of vocational education. The orientation of syllabus design looms so large that it will influence the social effect of our professional training.
Training and Research-Journal of Hubei College of Education