历来研治辛词者 ,对辛弃疾南归后词的创作的发展变化 ,较少注意。实则辛氏南归后 ,以宋孝宗淳熙八年 (1181)落职退居为界 ,词的创作也明显地可分为前后两个时期。前期词作多写其南渡之初的复杂心态和身世之感 ,手法多用比兴 ,词风兼具深婉细约和清疏刚健之美 ,而后期则直以词为陶写之具 ,无施不可 ,沉郁顿挫 ,雄奇悲怆。简单地以“豪放”或以词备众体论辛词 ,既不符合辛词创作发展的实际 ,也难以涵盖辛词的主要风格。
People pay no much attention to the developmental change of the ci-poetic creation of Xin Qiji in the early period of his return southward. In fact, after his returning southward, Xin Qiji’s ci-poetic creation could be divided among two periods: the early one was before the eighth year(1181)of the Era Chunxi of Emperor Xiaozong in the Southern Song Dynasty (宋孝宗淳熙八年), when he resigned from his post, while the later one was after this demarcating time. In the early period, he wrote more about his complicated mental state and his personal grief right in his return southward, and he used to resort to figurative artistic means, representing the beauty of combining elegance with forcefulness. In the later period, he wrote his ci-poetry freely in sorrow as well as in high spirits for the sole purpose of expressing himself. So, it is somewhat biased to generalize his style as “vigorous and unrestrained” (“豪放”) or to regard his works including all the styles of the Chinese ci-poetry (辛词备众体).