约翰·巴思以极富想像力与创造性的虚构颠覆了传统意义上的小说 ,从主题、表现形式和叙事角度等几个方面进行反传统的尝试 ,使《路的尽头》成为一部非传统意义上的小说———早期元小说的代表作。各种反传统的手法为“垂死的”小说样式注入了一股活力 。
With great imagination and creative power,John Barth subverts the traditional novels and makes anti-traditional attempts in his novel The End of the Road from such aspects as themes,manifestation, narrative point and so on,which renders this novel representative of early metafiction.Various anti-traditional techniques bring vitality to the dying forms of novel and set an example on how to create with the exhausted narrative structure.
Journal of Henan University of Science & Technology(Social science)
河南师范大学青年科学基金项目 (编号 :0 2 2 1177)