川油23为甘蓝型油菜细胞质雄性不育(CMS)杂交新品种,不育系为JA3,保持系为JB3,恢复系为JR6。川油23杂交优势强,综合性状好,丰产性突出,产量高,含油量高,熟期适中,适应性广,抗(耐)病性强。在四川省油菜新品种区域试验中,2000年8个试验点平均产量2439kg/hm2,比对照蓉油4号增产9 57%(极显著);2001年8个试验点平均产量2569 5kg/hm2,比对照蓉油4号增产9 81%(极显著)。在2000~2001年度组织5点(成都、绵竹、大竹、峨嵋和宜宾)生产试验,平均产量2376kg/hm2,比对照蓉油4号增产10 4%(极显著)。种子含油率(干基)39 45%,比对照蓉油4号高2 79个百分点。中抗病毒病和菌核病。平均全生育日数218d,与CK蓉油4号相同。2002年通过四川省农作物品种审定委员会审定。
Chuanyou No.23,a CMS rapeseed hybrid(Brassica napus L.),was developed from JA3 ( POL CMS system ) × JR6( a restorer ) . Chuanyou No.23 showed great hybrid superiority . The cultivar possessed the characteristics of desired agronomic quality,high yield , high oil content , early maturity , wide adaptability and acceptable resistance (tolerance) to virus and S. sclerotiorum.In the regional tests of Sichuan,the average yield of Chuanyou No.23 was 2439.0 kg/ ha,which outyielded the control Rongyou No.4 by 9.57 % in 1999-2000 with a high significance.The average yield of Chuanyou No.23 was 2569.5 kg/ ha,which outyielded the control Rongyou No.4 by 9.81 % in 2000-2001, with a high significance.In the five-regional productive test,the average yield of Chuanyou No.23 was 2376.0 kg/ ha, which outyielded the control Rongyou No.4 by 10.4 % in 2000-2001, with a high significance . Its oil content was 39.45 % ( dry base),which was 2.79 % higher than that of the control Rongyou No.4 . Its resistance ( tolerance ) to virus and S.sclerotiorum was very stronger . The growth period of Chuanyou No.23 was 218 days , averagely . It was released by Sichuan Crop Variety Approval Committee in 2002 .
Southwest China Journal of Agricultural Sciences
"九五"四川省育种攻关(9611001 1 6 1)
"十五"四川省育种攻关项目(200107001 1 6 1)