通过测试多菌灵、百菌清、炭疽福美、福美双、代森锌、代森锰锌、甲基托布津、代森铵、苯菌灵、退菌灵、炭特灵、克菌丹等12种不同杀菌剂对松针散斑壳菌(Lophodermiumpinastri(Schrad )Cher )孢子萌发的抑制作用,认为不同杀菌剂对松针散斑壳菌作用效果不同,药剂筛选结果表明代森铵、多菌灵、百菌清和退菌特等杀菌剂对松针散斑壳菌有较好的抑制作用。对马尾松幼林的松落针病作小区和林间防治试验,结果表明,林间应用45%代森铵水剂防治效果最佳,平均防效达81 2%。
The result of experiments on the influence of 12 fungicides such as Carbendazim,Daconil,Monox,Arasan,Zineb,Mancozeb,Amobam,Thiophanate-methyl.Tuzet,Benomyl etc.on conidia germination of Lophodermium pinastri (Schrad.) Cher. showed that different fungicides had distinct control effect on Lophodermium pinastri (Schrad.) Cher.,The fungicides screening trial demonstrated that the contorl effect of Amobam,Carbendazim,Daconil,Tuzet on Lophodermium pinastri (Schrad.) Cher.were better..The experiment of contral of Lophodermium pinastri (Schrad.) Cher were carried out in the field and in the forest.The results showed spraying 45% Amobam Solution could reach an efficacy of 81.2%.
Journal of Fujian Forestry Science and Technology