在杉木采伐迹地上 ,引进秃杉、江南桤木进行造林试验 ,结果表明 :2个树种都很适合引种区的生态环境 ,表现出良好的生长态势。秃杉、江南桤木造林成活率与保存率平均达到 98%以上 ,两项指标与杉木 (对照 )相比 ,平均高出 34.1~ 4 0 .6个百分点 ;试验还表明 ,江南桤木年平均树高生长达到 1.5m、秃杉达到 0 .5m以上 ;平均胸径生长也分别达到 0 .98cm和 0 .4 4cm ,而同期营造的杉木平均树高与平均胸径仅为 0 .3m和 0 .16cm ;由于江南桤木年凋落物总量可达 16 .2t·hm-2 ,为土壤有机质的积累提供了丰富的物质基础。
Experiment of planting with introduced Taiwania flouiana and Alnus trabeculosa in cutting blank of Chinese fir showed that the two species grew well, and survival rate of them was above 98%,the average height was 34.1~40.6 higher than the check Chinese fir.The height of Alnus trabeculosa was up to 1.5m; the height of Taiwania flouiana was above 0.5 m.Average breast diameter was up to 98 cm and 0.44 cm respectively, while that ofChinese fir planted at the same time were only 0.3 m and 0.16 cm.The falling matter of Alnus trabeculosa,up to16.2t per hm^2 can provide more organic matter for land.
Protection Forest Science and Technology