印度是世界贸易组织的创始成员国之一 ,在这个多边贸易体系中属于“元老”级角色 ,目前排名世贸组织 2 5个主要成员国之列。印度在多年的探索和参与过程中 ,已经逐渐形成了一套自己的在WTO框架下的运作模式。印度在世界贸易组织的活动中越来越主动 ,越来越成熟 ,它摸索出了一些行之有效的“自我保护”的措施 ,较为有力地保护了本国的利益 ,这对一个发展中国家国内经济的发育和完善具有重要意义。这些措施大致是 :关税措施、反倾销规定和争端解决机制、过渡期和例外原则、增强自身经济实力。
India is one of major members of the WTO arrangement and plays an important role in regulating this global trade institution. As obviously observed, India has long formulated a set of subtle and effective codes of operation aimed at safeguarding its own developmental interests while vigorously and selectively participating in globalization. Among them basically are tariff barrier, anti-dumping causes, and dispute-solving mechanism, transition period's exemption and the exception principle. This protective approach, despite being controversial, has turned out to be significant for a developing country to cultivate and better its economic performance.
South Asian Studies Quarterly