事实上已经成立,但却不具备作为法律人格的一些基本要件——这样的“公司”在现实生活中是不乏其例的。这即是所谓的瑕疵设立公司,其在现实生活中造成了许多不便,而我们的法律又在这方 面没有做出具体规定,更是大大困扰着司法实践。本文从一则案例谈起,对其中所涉及的公司瑕疵设立问题进行浅显的探讨,以期通过理论上的分析对这类问题在实践中的解决有所帮助。
In our real life, there are many companies already set up but lack of some fundamental elements as the legal personality. These companies established defectively cause a lot of trouble and perplex the practice of justice for no specific legal provisions. The article approaches the problem of the company established defectively from a case in the hope of gainning actual solutions.
Journal of Anhui Vocational College of Police Officers