“传统五步学程”是先圣留下的求知至宝,今日借鉴仍具有其现实意义。“博学、审问”是求知的入笙;“慎思、明辨”是培养思辨能力的途径;“笃行”是知行合一的最终目的。五者是相辅相成、环环紧扣 、互为因果的关系。循此激发思维,开拓智能,将会有益于身,有用于世。
Five of tradition study Cheng' is most valuable treasure that holy left to seek knowledge, and we can draw lessons from its realistic meaning today. 'learned interrogating' is the meaningful direction to be sought knowledge, 'think over, not shrewd' is a way to distinguish ability to train, 'walking sincerely' is a final purpose of the unity of knowledge and practice. All of them linked with one another, acting as the cause and effect of each other that five person complements each other. Follow this exciting thinking, open up intelligence, will be of value to the body, useful in generation.
Journal of Anhui Vocational College of Police Officers