经济学不仅仅是研究资源配置、财富增长的科学 ,归根到底是为了人的全面发展和社会的全面进步。文章认为 ,应该从科学主义和人文主义这一文化思潮底蕴———科学与人文相统一的角度理解经济学。经济学只有具备科学与人文的双重属性 ,才能完整揭示出经济学的全部内涵。
Economics is the science which not only researchs the natural-resources allocation and the fortune growth,but also the development of human and the advancement of society in the final analysis.This article points out that we must understand economics from the point of view that the inside information of culture thought of the unification of sciencism and humanism.Economics must provide with the dualism of sciencism and humanism in order to announce the connotation of economics.
Northern Economy and Trade