
关于中国资产阶级的产生与形成 被引量:1

On Chinese bourgeoisie' generation and shape
摘要 文章主要从马克思主义的历史唯物论和中国近代的历史事实论证了中国资产阶级是和工人阶级同时产生的 ,以及资产阶级的形成过程。文章首先从历史唯物主义理论论证了工人阶级和资产阶级是同一对矛盾中的对立统一关系 ,是从小生产者的分化中同时产生的 ,不分先后。接着从中国历史事实指出 :中国最早的工人阶级虽然受雇于外国资本家 ,但不是由外国资本家直接雇佣的 ,而是通过中国买办雇佣并由买办直接管理的 ,买办与外国资本家结合在一起 ,对中国工人实施剥削。因此中国买办就是资产阶级 ,故与工人阶级同时期产生。文章最后阐述了资产阶级的成长壮大过程 :1 869年以后一些地主、官僚、富商投资民营企业和洋务派的民用企业 ,使资产阶级队伍有所壮大。随着戊戌维新的开展和辛亥革命派的形成 ,标志着资产阶级上层和中下层已相继觉醒 ,登上政治舞台 ,逐步成为自为的阶级。 This dissertation mainly demonstrates that the Chinese bourgeoisie generated in the same period with the working class,and analyses its shape process in Marxism's materialistic theories and the facts of the modern China.In structure,firstly,this dissertation reasons that the working class and the bourgeoisie were the opposite and uniform relation in the same conflict in Marxism's materialistic theories;all disintegrated from the petty producer and generated synchronously,no early or late.Next,this dissertation points out that though the earliest Chinese working class was employed by the foreign capitalism,not directly employed by foreign capitalist,but directly employed and managed by Chinese comprador,the comprador was united with foreign capitalist,they exploited the Chinese workers togeher.So,in fact,Chinese comprador was the bourgeoisie,they generated in the same period with Chinese working class.Finally,the dissertation expounds the bourgeoisie's shape process:some landlords,bureaucrats and merchant princes invested corporations run by the local people and civil corporations run by the advocates of the westernization movement after 1869,these made the bourgeoisie's rank bigger than before.With the development of Hundred Days of Reform and the form of the revolution party,the upper stratum,middle-level and substratum of bourgeoisie awaked one after the other,and stepped on the political stage,became a class for themselves stage by stage.
作者 史全生
出处 《安徽史学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2004年第5期44-49,共6页 Historical Research In Anhui
关键词 中国资产阶级 产生 形成 Chinese bourgeois generation shape
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