许多外语教师往往把注意力集中在教授语言本身 ,而忽视了对与该语言相关的社会文化背景知识和跨文化交际知识及规则的传授。这种滞后的教学法使语言的社会交际功能得不到充分发挥 ,使学生在跨文化交往中无法做到游刃有余。本文以举例的方式 ,从广义和狭义两方面阐述了文化背景知识的内容、教授途径及掌握相关知识的重要性 ,力图在大学外语教学方法上探索一条新路。
In the past,many English teachers focused their attention on teaching Englist itself,but ignored the corresponding knowledge and rules on social cultural background and intercultural communication.The less developed teaching method actually prevented the social communicative function of English from being brought into play,so much so that the students were not able to freely express themselves and understand foreigners in the course of intercultural communication.Using enough examples,the author of this article illustrated the content of cultural background,teaching methods and the importance of corresponding knowledge in both broad and narrow senses.The author is trying to explore a new teaching way of college English.
cultural background
intercultural communication
national character