
美国营利性高等教育的兴起及对中国的借鉴意义 被引量:19

On the evolution of the American for-profit higher education and its referential meaning
摘要 美国的营利性高等教育近10多年来异军突起,阿波罗集团及其旗下的凤凰城大学是美国营利性高等教育迅猛发展的典型。美国营利性高等教育的兴起是美国高等教育市场发生根本性变化的产物。营利性高校将在职成人高等教育作为目标市场,并将学生定位为顾客和服务的对象,有效使用在职成人的有限时间,并按其特定需求设计教育服务。中美在不同程度上正在经历相同的对营利性高等教育的社会公益性的认同过程。 With the emergence of American for-profit higher education in the past 10 years, Apollo group and University of Phoenix under its command are the special models of rapid development of American for-profit higher education. The rising of the American for-profit higher education is also the result of American higher education market's fundamental changes. The for-profit higher education will take on-the-job personnels' higher education as the goal market, and orientate students as customers and the serving center, offer the limited time to use the on-the-job personnel effectively, and design the education service according to its demand. Both China and USA are going through the same course of identification about the social public benefits of for-profit higher education in different degrees.
作者 李明华
出处 《高等教育研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2004年第5期101-107,共7页 Journal of Higher Education
关键词 教育市场 营利性教育 高等教育 经营模式 education market for-profit education higher education business models
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