
多发性骨髓瘤患者13q14.3区域一个候选抑瘤基因MYETS1的克隆与序列分析(英文) 被引量:1

Molecular Cloning and Sequence Anal ysis of a Candidate Tumor Suppressor Gene MYETS1 on Chromosome 13q14.3 of Patients with Multiple My eloma
摘要 为克隆位于多发性骨髓瘤(multiplemyeloma,MM)患者染色体13q14.2~13q21.1区域候选抑瘤基因,通过生物信息学分析获取疾病基因定位区域内代表新基因的ESTs,并运用半定量RT-PCR检测它们在正常人与MM患者骨髓组织中的表达水平,发现一条在MM患者骨髓组织中明显表达下调的EST(GenBank收录号:H86826).Northern印迹杂交显示H86826在骨髓组织中转录本大小为1.5kb.通过购买商品化克隆IM-AGE223589测序获得了H86826所代表的基因的1491bp全长cDNA序列(GenBank收录号:AY368652),人类基因组命名委员会将其命名为MYETS1(myelomatumorsuppressor1).生物信息学分析其为一个编码分子质量为15.1kD、等电点为6.13的135个氨基酸的新基因.该基因的功能正在进一步的研究之中. In order to clone the novel genes with in chromosome 13q14.2~13q21.1dele ted in multiple myeloma (MM)patients,the expressed sequence ta gs(ESTs )which represent the novel gene in thi s region were obtained by bioinformatics analysis,then its expression was detected by semi-quantitative reverse tran-scription -polymerase chain reaction(RT-PCR).A significantly low expression of EST H86826was shown in the bone marrows of MM patients as com pared with that of the normals.The tr anscriptional size of this gene was estimated to be around 1.5kb using northern blot hybridization.Finally full-length sequence of the gene was harvested by sequencing the commerc ial clone-IMAGE 223589that was searched by electronic hybridization.It represents a novel gene named as my eloma tumor suppressor 1(MYETS1)encoding a polypeptide of 135amino acids,with molecular weight o f 15.1kD and pI 6.13.The function of M YETS1will be investigated further.
出处 《生命科学研究》 CAS CSCD 2004年第3期264-271,共8页 Life Science Research
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(30270576) 湖南省杰出青年基金资助(04JJ1006)~~
关键词 多发性骨髓瘤 定位候选克隆 候选抑瘤基因 生物信息学分析 MYETSl multiple myeloma (MM) positional candidate cloning can didate tumor suppressor gene bioinformatics MYETS1
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