入侵检测系统 (IDS) 是一种新兴的抵御黑客攻击的有效工具, 但是仍然存在一些弱点。本文介绍了入侵检测系统的原理、分类和结构,根据现有入侵检测系统的弱点,列举了黑客入侵过程中可能用来攻击入侵检测系统的若干方法,并给出了相应的解决思路。
Intrusion DetectionSystem IDS) isa new effective ( tools to defend hacker's attack, but it stiil has some weak points. This paper introduces principle, sort and structure of IDS, lists several methods based on the weak points of IDS used by hacker to attack IDS, gives the method of resolving these problems.